Episode #57: Answering the Fresh Produce Industry’s Call for a Reliable Data Solution
At Highland Ag, we believe that data is the key to unlocking success in agriculture. But when it comes to aggregating, analyzing, and presenting that data, not all approaches are created equal. In this episode, we discuss the need for a more reliable source of data in the fresh produce industry and why we built Highland Ag MarketWatch.

Podcast #56 Sustainability with Highland Hub
Welcome to a fresh episode of Cream of the Crop! Join us as we explore sustainability and how it’s being achieved through the Highland Hub.

Podcast #55 Farm Traveler Podcast, Trevor Williams
In this episode we hear from podcaster Trevor Williams on the story of the Farm Traveler Podcast. Trevor shares with us the ups and downs of starting a podcast as well as the importance of sharing the heart of the ag industry. Education through communication is key, and Trevor has a lot of experience with that! Our host and Trevor both were previous ag teachers and share some of their learnings from the classroom!

Podcast #54 Soli Organic, Margaret Dominguez
In this episode, we chat with Margaret Dominguez, Vice President of Food Safety and Compliance at Soli Organic. Soli (formerly known as Shenandoah Growers) is the nation’s most commercially advanced indoor agriculture company.

Podcast #53 North Bay Produce, Leading Ladies in Food Safety
In this episode, Jennifer Pulcipher, Director of Food Safety and Compliance and Kinsey Porter, Food Safety Manager for North Bay Produce, discuss working in food safety for a grower-owned cooperative.
Podcast #52 Marshal Sewell, Coping with Loss and Mental Health in Agriculture
Mental health in agriculture is often overlooked. Our industry tends to keep looking forward without looking inward. In this episode, we talk with Marshal Sewell, a fifth generation farmer who has observed the challenges and stresses of agricultural life.